Character Bios - The Shopkeepers

Within the world of Battle Tower Royale, there are a whole slew of characters with different personalities, interests, likes and dislikes, and hopes and dreams. Each person you talk to will give you a little bit of insight into who they are, and some of them will really appreciate your effort - they might even tell you something you didn't know before! A big part of the game's world is in these characters - you aren't required to talk to many of them, but you'll learn a lot by listening to what they have to say!

However, there are a core group of characters in the game that serve a purpose to the story. These characters are given proper names and unique voices that accompany their fleshed-out characterizations. Not only are your interactions with them much more in-depth, they also interact with other characters in the world. These are the people you'll be speaking to time and time again. The five storekeepers that own the shops in the Battle Tower are the few people you do need to talk to, and they're the ones who have the most to say.

As you play through the game you'll get the chance to learn more about them. I wrote this post to flesh out these characters more and provide some additional detail to their backstories.


Minotaur Mike

Minotaur Mike earned his moniker as a way of distinguishing himself from a different Mike who once worked in one of the Tower's stores, though that Mike has long since moved on. Mike is a veteran of the Tower, as he himself once competed years ago. He prefers not to talk about his experience, and is especially cagey when it comes to answering questions about what lies near the top. 

His conquest days far behind him, Mike prefers to instead spend long days reading dense tomes that most other people can scarcely understand. He is fluent in several ancient languages, a skill he acquired translating ancient texts that contained once-lost knowledge of the arcane. He is shown to be patient and understanding to those who seek to learn, but does not hesitate to put somebody in their place when they begin to act out.

While his calm demeanor and near-unshakeable stoicism suggest that he is more of a thinker than a fighter, Mike possesses a fearsome mastery of the arcane arts. Rumors persist that Mike has been able to achieve control over time and space, though this is likely an exaggeration of his abilities. Still, those who are aware of his competitive past know better than to challenge Mike to a duel.

Mike can generally be found reading a new book or looking for new spell scrolls to stock in his store. Though he is usually caught with a book in his hand, he greatly enjoys talking with competitors about all things magical and arcane, as well as a wide array of topics unrelated to his life's pursuit. If you want to get better, listen to what he has to say - he has the knowledge and the experience to back up what he says.



Redox possesses a dangerous combination of high intelligence and a total lack of restraint and forethought. "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should" is a phrase that has no meaning to him. New competitors can easily find his store by following the trail of smoke coming from the latest explosion in his lab.

Nevertheless, Redox is undeniably brilliant, having invented new or improved versions of nearly every potion sold not just in the Battle Tower, but in stores all across the world. He has managed to strike an uneasy understanding with the Battle Tower administration - they turn a blind eye to his experiments as long as he continues to bring in money from his new potions.

Redox comes off as somewhat dismissive and rude at first, a trait he actively cultivates to chase off people who distract him from his work. But underneath his prickly surface is a passionate and driven individual who stops at nothing to achieve the impossible. While goblins are stereotyped as being mechanically inclined, Redox is the real deal - he isn't afraid to brag and boast, but he has the accomplishments and patents to back it up.

If you can break through his seemingly impatient and short-tempered facade, you'll find that he really does care about your success in the long run. If you ask him for his advice, he'll be happy to share some tips and tricks he's learned along the way. Of course, he'll chase you out if you stick around too long - there's more experiments to run and talking to you keeps him away from what he does best.



The world in Battle Tower Royale has come a long way from how things used to be. Until a few generations ago, many of the world's sapient races seldom came into contact with each other. And when they did, their interactions were frequently less than friendly. Even now, many people still live isolated from the incredible diversity of their world, living much of their lives unaware of who's really out there.

For many new contestants in the Battle Tower, their entry represents the first time that they truly come into contact with other species. For some it's quite a difficult adjustment, though for others it's already something they are used to. Still, many old stereotypes and prejudices persist.

Kobolds were formerly seen as a group of unintelligent cave-dwelling lizards who perpetually lived in fear of other races, particularly dragons. Kobolds had a reputation of being opportunists and scavengers, raiding unsuspecting villages and travelers with impunity for food and valuables. Kobolds were frequently seen as pests and nuisances by the people around them, even though many kobolds were themselves terrorized by other races. 

Sabrina knows full well the way that some people still perceive kobolds, a weakness she does not hesitate to exploit. Make no mistake - underneath her cheery and bubbly demeanor is a ruthless, cunning salesman who knows how to turn a profit. Many people have made the mistake of underestimating her business acumen; on more than one occasion somebody with gold came in to her store just to browse and walked away with gear they didn't even want.

Sabrina knows her craft better than anybody, and the quality of gear she sells is some of the best you'll find anywhere. She drives a hard bargain and doesn't sell for cheap, but one thing you can guarantee is that you're getting what you pay for. Sabrina doesn't just measure her success in gold - she also understands the value of quality and customer loyalty.

Sabrina has a sharp tongue and drives a hard bargain, but don't hesitate to ask her for help when you need it - she knows that the longer people survive, the more gear they'll need to buy.


Pyrite and Alabaster

This pair of dragon siblings is the newest addition to the Battle Tower's roster of merchants. Alabaster is the older sister who likes to pick on her younger brother Pyrite, but she doesn't hesitate to remind anybody who dares to do the same that only she has the right to do that. Pyrite begins his job the same day you enter the Battle Tower, taking over Alabaster's old position. While he's just starting to learn the ropes, he is driven to be as good at his new job as possible.

Alabaster tends to dominate conversations, mostly because she towers over everybody else - but her years of working the front desk have made her skilled at navigating conversations. Pyrite is much more reserved by comparison - he generally prefers to remain quiet even if he has something to say, though part of that is simply due to his own lack of self-confidence.

They can commonly be heard arguing over something petty, but there's no doubt that they are thick as thieves. Alabaster is incredibly protective over Pyrite, especially since there are people who try to take advantage of his naivete and lack of self-confidence. Pyrite outwardly bristles over this treatment, but deep down inside he appreciates that she cares enough to stand up for him.

Pyrite sees Alabaster as everything he wants to be - confident, successful, outgoing, and somebody that people look up to and respect. But if you ever get a chance to talk to Alabaster, she admits that she still feels a sense of inadequacy and insecurity over her own accomplishments, especially where it concerns being a role model to Pyrite. She wants to be somebody he can look up to, but she has always felt that she doesn't fully live up to the image he has of her. She feels a lot of pressure to succeed not just for her own sake, but for his as well.

Pyrite is actually quite talented in his own right - he just doesn't have the confidence to see it in himself. Alabaster considers it her personal goal to get him to fully realize his own potential, and having him assume responsibility of the store is a great way to help him get there. Pyrite is a quick learner, and it doesn't take him long to realize that he's actually quite good at his job.

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