Battle Tower Royale is now Tower of the Immortals...and the full demo is RELEASED!

It's finally here...the final demo build of the game formerly known as Battle Tower Royale is finally here! As you have no doubt noticed, the name of the game has changed to Tower of the Immortals. This is because a lot of my playtesters experienced some confusion over the game title, believing the game to be a battle royale when it is not. Plus, this title better reflects the internal lore of the game.

With this name and logo change, the demo of the game is finally complete. This last major build touches up so many of the little things that I've neglected over time or wanted to do but put to the backburner. This also merited making a new teaser trailer and new screenshots to show all that the game has added in the 15 months since the first build was published for play.


As you might expect, the relatively frequent new builds that I've been publishing over the last year will cease. This is because the next major level of the game, The [REDACTED] is going to take a while to complete. This is partially due to my need to create the Forge, which is the last major planned feature of the game. The Forge is the area of the game that lets you craft custom gear with all sorts of specifications and modifications. This is going to be a complex endeavor, but well worth the effort.

For the v0.10 demo, these are a list of the major changes to the game:

-Level 1-9 has been shrouded in fog and given a new, much more ominous battle theme. This special theme plays at the last level before each boss fight, and the level that you must navigate is challenging indeed!

-A lot of levels got minor cosmetic updates, and stage 1-9 has been particularly affected. This level always felt half-finished, and now it feels much more complete. Level 1-6 has also seen some changes to its balancing and design as well.

-Quickslots have been redrawn to match the color of your assigned hotkey. This is because the colored text on the box was a remnant of a time when hotkeys were fixed. They also respond to the colorblind mode as well.

-Many sprite enhancements and fixes. The teleportation portal effect has been redrawn, enemy sprites have gotten some love, and so much more.

-A new tab in the Character Menu has been added containing explanations for all of the game's mechanics. This addresses the issue that players couldn't revisit these explanations once you went past the signs at the start of the game.

-Added a gold display to stores.

-When you save and load your game, a screen appears recapping your progress so far.

-Added a death counter to the game.

-Fixed an issue where text could be incorrectly greyed out if you had a discount to the sale price.

-Fixed a glitch present when you pressed left/right on the confirmation screen in your menu.

-Colorblind mode has been implemented for color-coded attacks.

-Fixed a crash that could result if you assign the Action Key to an arrow key.

-Fixed some visual glitches with text.

-Lots of other little things, and a lot of internal code refactoring and overhaul.


Man, I need a break. I hope you guys enjoy the full Tower of the Immortals demo - feedback you provide is extremely appreciated and does so much to help me make the game better!


Tower of the Immortals - v0.10 78 MB
92 days ago

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